Monday, August 30, 2004


Sunday Herald: US point-man in Iraq raises hackles

Iraqi leaders visiting London say they are troubled by new security chiefs — every bit as ruthless as the henchmen of Saddam Hussein — imposed on them by the American authorities.

In fact, the common thread linking the concern of senior Iraqi political and religious visitors in recent weeks is the emerging security apparatus in their country that has been put together at the behest of the Americans.

On the day the National Assembly was appointed three members were arrested, along with another 57 others, all this on the orders of Shahwani,” one prominent Iraqi visitor told Deccan Herald on condition he was not quoted by name.

“When we heard of this we approached Prime Minister Allawi and they managed to get one man released. All the others remain under arrest.

“Shahwani only responds to the orders of the Americans, he was forced on Allawi. That’s why this is occupation, you can draw your conclusions.”

Such Iraqi critics believe that Shahwani is also being groomed to take over from Mr Allawi in the event of a future political crisis, or if Mr Allawi is assassinated.

They say the Shahwani appointment is proof that the Americans intend to retain control of Iraq, regardless of any future military withdrawal.

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