Tuesday, February 03, 2004


From the Wilderness: Revealing Statements from a Bush Insider about Peak Oil and Natural Gas Depletion: FTW EXCLUSIVE CHECK IT

Bush energy advisor to the secret Energy Task Force headed by Dick Cheney before 9/11, Matthew Simmons, spoke candidly about Peak Oil at a recent Paris conference attended by FTW Editor Mike Ruppert. The transcribed remarks of this CFR member at this exclusive conference are chilling affirmations of the only issue driving world events since 9/11.

"The uh, I think basically that now, that peaking of oil will never be accurately predicted until after the fact. But the event will occur, and my analysis is leaning me more by the month, the worry that peaking is at hand; not years away. If it turns out I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. But if I'm right, the unforeseen consequences are devastating...But unfortunately the world has no Plan B if I'm right. The facts are too serious to ignore. Sadly the pessimist-optimist debate started too late

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