Monday, January 26, 2004


Forward: U.S. Advice To Israelis: Don't Start Syria Talks

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration recently advised the Israeli government against taking up the offer of Syrian President Bashar Assad to resume peace negotiations, Israeli and American diplomats in Washington confirmed.

The administration, according to sources, voiced several concerns regarding Assad's recent public claims that he is willing to resume peace negotiations with Israel. The main concern, sources said, is that negotiations with Syria, which have slim chances of yielding an agreement anytime soon, would divert attention from the Israeli-Palestinian track and impede efforts to implement the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan.

"Die Usa gibt Israel den Ratschlag keine Friedensgespräche mit Syrien zu führen, da Sie eine eigene Syrien-Politik machen wollen um weiterhin Druck auf die Regierung Assad auszüben..soviel zu den Amerikanischen Friedensbemühungen im Nahen Osten"

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