Wednesday, November 26, 2003

USA: 1984

defensenews: Persistent ISR Would Allow U.S. Military to Function as Strike Force

The U.S. military must cast an intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance net over the world to keep a watchful eye on the current
threat — a smart and patient enemy with access to commercial
technology, a senior Army official said Nov. 17.

“We have to put a globe, if you will, a sphere, over the world from an
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability standpoint,”
said Edward Bair, Army program executive officer for intelligence,
electronic warfare and sensors. “We must be able to see, be able to
hear, be able to smell, be able to feel what’s going on anytime, anyplace in the world.”

Maintaining persistent ISR around the globe would allow the military to
continue to function as a “strategically relevant, continental United
States-based projection force,” Bair said during the Defense News Media
Group conference, ISR Integration 2003: The Net-Centric Vision, in
Arlington, Va.

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