Tuesday, November 11, 2003


YAHOO: General Warns Iraqis Attacks Must Stop

FALLUJAH, Iraq - America's top general in the Middle East has warned community leaders the U.S. military will use stern measures unless they curb attacks against coalition forces, an Iraqi who attended the meeting said Monday.

Gen. John Abizaid, chief of the U.S. Central Command, delivered the warning to tribal sheiks and mayors in the "Sunni Triangle" city of Ramadi west of Baghdad, according to Fallujah Mayor Taha Bedawi.
"We have the capabilities and equipment," Bedawi quoted the general as saying at Saturday's meeting.

"Neither America, nor the father of America, scares us," said one resident, Najih Latif Abbas. "Iraqi men are striking at Americans and they retaliate by terrifying our children."

Fakhri Fayadh, a 60-year-old farmer, said reprisal attacks "will only increase our spite and hatred of them. If they think that they will scare us, they are wrong. Day after day, Americans will be harmed and attacks against them will increase."

"Es geht möglicherweise nicht mehr lange, bis die USA zu israelischen Methoden greifen um den Wiederstand zu brechen."

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