Monday, November 10, 2003


Ny Times: Iraqi Insurgents Take a Page From the Afghan 'Freedom Fighters'

As the daily attacks against American forces in Iraq increase in number
and sophistication, the Bush administration continues to portray its
adversaries s an assortment of die-hard Baathists, criminals, thugs
and foreign terrorists, all acting out of desperation. Certainly, there
are Baathists and foreign terrorists operating against the American-led
coalition, and their ranks probably include criminals. But the
overarching reality is that the American and British forces are facing a
resourceful adversary whose game plan may be more fully developed than
originally thought.

From my perspective, the Iraqi resistance has taken a page from a sophisticated insurgency playbook in their confrontations with the American-led coalition.

The insurgents' strategy could have been crafted by Sun Tzu, the Chinese military tactician, who more than 2,500 years ago wrote, in "The Art of War," that the highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy's strategy.


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