Monday, October 06, 2003


Guardian: Briton held as terror suspect says CIA threatened torture
First account of US methods from UK detainee

A British businessman arrested as a suspected terrorist has told the Guardian that US agents threatened him with beatings and rape in an attempt to break him.
Wahab al-Rawi, 38, was denied a lawyer, held incommunicado for four weeks in Gambia, and repeatedly questioned by CIA agents before being released without charge. His account is the first from any Briton about their treatment by the US while held as a suspect in the two year "war on terror".

Speaking publicly for the first time, Mr Rawi, 38, said:

· CIA agents twice threatened him with torture if he did not cooperate;

· He was subjected to sleep deprivation, with lights permanently kept on in his cell;

· During his interrogation, material from British intelligence interviews with an alleged extremist detained in London were put to him.

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