Wednesday, October 08, 2003


Tagesanzeiger: Klarer Sieg für Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger wird Gouverneur im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien. Nach Ausz?hlung von über 95 Prozent aller Wahlbezirke führt der Republikaner mit 47,6 Prozent aller abgegebenen Stimmen.

NY Times: Voters Voice Deep Dissatisfaction With Governor's Record
In an emphatic end to an extraordinary campaign, Californians voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to recall Gov. Gray Davis and chose as his replacement Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born bodybuilder and movie actor making his first run for office.

LA Times: Voters Recall Davis; Schwarzenegger's In
Arnold Schwarzenegger won the historic California recall election Tuesday as a tide of voter anger toppled Gray Davis just 11 months after the Democrat was reelected as governor.

In a popular revolt unmatched in the 92 years that Californians have held the power to recall elected officials, voters chose a Republican film star with no government experience to replace a Democrat steeped for three decades in state politics.

VIDEO: Schwarzenegger Speach


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