Thursday, September 11, 2003


Al-Jazeera: Israel decides to expel Arafat

Israel's security cabinet on Thursday agreed in principle to expel Palestinian President Yasir Arafat from the region.

But an immediate expulsion of the 74-year old Palestinian leader has been kept on hold for the time being keeping in view US opposition.

Palestinians reacted to the Israeli decision with unrestrained rage, saying the move would destabilize the region.

"Arafat is an obstacle to peace and Israel will take steps to rid itself of that obstacle," an Israeli cabinet statement said.

The Israeli army has meanwhile been asked to prepare a plan for Arafat's exile.

The decision to expel Arafat came amid growing calls from rabid Israelis to either expel or kill the Palestinian leader.

The Jerusalem Post told its readers on Thursday that "we must kill Yasir Arafat because the world leaves us no alternative…if we are going to be condemned in any case, we might as well do it."

"Es wird immer Besser. Vom Volk gewählte Gewaehlte Praesidenten werden aus dem eigenen Land gejagt. Eine Israelische Zeitung ruf zum Mord an Araft auf. Ein Hoch auf die "einzige Demokratie" im Nahen Osten"

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