Thursday, July 31, 2003


Institute for Public Accuracy:
MARK LANCE, a professor at Georgetown University, was in the West Bank
in June and July with a delegation of university faculty and has written
about the wall that Israel is constructing in the West Bank. He said today:
"Sharon claims that Israel is building a 'security fence' so that it
can protect itself. That is not borne out by the facts. Physically, the
wall has two distinct forms. In much of the northern section, it is a
20-foot-high concrete wall, complete with guard towers -- very much
like the Berlin Wall. Most of the rest is a complex consisting of a row of
razor wire, a trench, a military security road, an electrified fence, another
road, another trench, and another razor wire barrier.... The wall does
not separate the West Bank from Israel; rather, it curves into the West
Bank in such a way as to divide villages from their farmland. In the (not so)
long run, this will result in the further impoverishment and likely
displacement of the population of these villages, as well as the likely
appropriation of this land to Israel

Maps and images of the separation wall are available via:
Palestine Monitor

Guardian: Death zone puts family life in limbo
Israeli security fence cuts Palestinians off from their village, school and relatives "linked by Pedro"

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