Monday, July 28, 2003


Pakistan Dawn: Uday was negotiating surrender: newsman

PARIS, July 23: A journalist preparing a story on Saddam Hussein and
his two sons Uday and Qusay for the French national news weekly magazine Le
Point says that Uday was in the process of negotiating his surrender to
the US occupation authority when he was killed on Tuesday. According to
Jean Guisnel, who is considered an authority on the Saddam family and Iraq
and who was speaking to a reporter for French public TV channel France 3 on
Wednesday, "Uday was in the process of negotiating his surrender
because he had let it be known that he would prefer being handed over alive to US
forces than being discovered by Iraqi nationals whom he feared might
lynch him instead of turning him over to US authorities." Although Mr Guisnel
would not divulge the source of his information, he has often based his
stories on Iraq on French intelligence sources.

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