Wednesday, May 21, 2003


Wallstreet Journal: Terrorists' Friends Must Pay a Price
The advice President Clinton should have followed.
(Editor's note: This article originally appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 5, 1996. On June 12 of that year, terrorists murdered 19 American soldiers at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, and on July 17 TWA flight 800 exploded near New York, killing all 229 aboard.)

If President Clinton means to get serious about the fight against terrorism, he should leave the White House Press Room and head downstairs to the basement Situation Room. There he should gather the National Security Council and deliver the following address:
1. The director of the FBI is to take immediate steps to double within 60 days the number of informants the bureau has working against terrorists based in the U.S. I want weekly progress reports.

9. The secretary of state will tell the government of Sudan tonight that it has seven days to close down all terrorist camps under its control and to deliver to the Egyptians the men who tried to assassinate President Hosni Mubarak last year. Otherwise, the Sudanese will feel our anger. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will target known Sudanese terrorist camps within 48 hours.
"Am 20. August 1998 wurde die Al-Shiaf Medizin Fabrik im Sudan bombardiert. Die Fabrik stellte 90% der Pharma-Produkte des Sudans her. Die Amerikaner behaupteten es handle sich um eine Chemiewaffenfabrik was später wiederlegt wurde. Durch die Spätfolgen der Bombardierung starben nach Schätzungen ca. 10000 Menschen weil sie wegen fehlender Medikamente nicht gegen Krankheiten wie Malaria behandelt werden konnten"

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