Tuesday, August 02, 2005


BBC: Bush Forces Through Appointment Of Bolton

Hard-Edged Choice Creates Friction

After five months of wrangling and recriminations, US President George W Bush has forced through the appointment of his UN ambassador while Congress is in recess.

But the move may just be the start of the controversy over John Bolton, whose hard-nosed management style and past criticisms of the UN have angered critics.

Mr Bolton's appointment comes just six weeks before UN heads of state and governments meet in New York to discuss wide-ranging and potentially divisive reforms of the world body.

There are fears that just as the US is reaching out diplomatically in other ways, its hard-edged position at the UN will be entrenched.

Domestically, it is certain to inflame the partisan ill-feeling between Republicans and Democrats, just as senators are considering Mr Bush's choice for the new Supreme Court justice.

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