Monday, March 14, 2005


ZMAG: Who's Afraid Of Venezuela-Cuba Alliance?

For a long time there was only one country in Latin America offering free health care to all its citizens. Now there are two. The governments of both countries regard health care as a basic human right. So Cuba, rich in health care, and Venezuela, rich in oil, have arranged a barter deal for the benefit of each population. This would seem to be a major historical example of beneficial free trade. Who could possibly object?

Well, Condoleezza Rice for one, who seems quite disturbed by this alliance. During an interview last October with the editorial board of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, then National Security Advisor Rice called President Hugo Chávez "a real problem." She said, "He will continue his contacts with Fidel Castro, maybe giving Castro one last fling to try to affect he politics of Latin America." Why is she so alarmed?

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