Monday, February 14, 2005


JUS: US Baghdad Base PoundedBy Resistance Rockets

Baghdad remains a hotbed of resistance activities as does Mosul, Samaara and Tikrit, and US pillaged oil installations, with several attack reported yesterday that indicate post election Iraq remains a significant problem for the American agenda

ZNET: American Defeat in Iraq

However, news of Zarqawi since 2001 is obscure. Following the Gulf War in 1991, because of the Anglo-American enforced no-fly zone, Northern Iraq could not be controlled by the Hussein government. Instead, the Kurds governed themselves with some help from America and Israel. So if the U.S. authorities had wished to crush Ansar al-Islam, they could have done so at any time; they did not because at that time the U.S. intended to use Ansar al-Islam as an anti-Hussein terrorist organisation. If Zarqawi was leading Ansar al-Islam, he was a terrorist to be used by America, not by Hussein

Guardian: Given You The Purple Finger by Naomi Klein

The Party Likely To Win Election Opposes US Presence & Policies

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