Monday, January 17, 2005


Jolly Rogers: Television - The Most PowerfulWeapon Of Them All

Perception Management - American Television is truly the 'boob tube' and it controls the masses via very carefully filtered information keeping a duped and deceived populace in check to serve at the pleasure of the plutocratic US government.

The presidential election was a great success for our government, because most of the fools still think the outcome had something to do with voting. They've already returned to their television sets for further training, so the fact that they have no money or freedom and their children are being sent to die will soon make perfect sense to them.

It's all very easy once you're in control of the news. Goebbels knew that if you could CONTROL THE INFORMATION that's available to a population, you could CONTROL THE MIND OF A NATION, and this lesson from Nazi Germany has been perfected in America today.

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