Friday, November 12, 2004


Jihad Unspun: Muhaideen Make Signifgant Gains; Executed Well Planned Attacks

On Thursday, Fallujah Mujahideen managed to make significant gains against occupation forces as the US were forced to admit they are meeting with stiff resistance. While mainstream press continues the façade that only 18 soldiers have been lost and that the will have the city under control by Saturday, the reality of the situation that JUS has been reporting is finally beginning to be echoed in Arab press.

As details of fighting in and around of Falluja are slowly surfacing, a clear picture of Mujahideen’s professional pre-battle planning based on accurate anticipation of enemies moves is emerging. Mujahideen are now seizing the opportunities this advance planning has provided by shelling occupation forces, attacking them on the ground, ambushing them and forcing them to retreat every step of the way. An undisclosed number of Americans have been captured as well.

Also on Thursday evening, Iraqi Mujahideen bombed an ice factory in the center of the al-Jawlan neighborhood where US occupation forces invaders had parked vehicles and stored equipment. The factorys had a floor space of nearly 5,000 square meters and inside Humvees for carrying equipment. Large numbers of tanks and armored vehicles surrounded the factory.

Mujahideen suspected the Americans would use the factory as a storage depot or headquarters and therefore they mined the building prior to the US assault. Thursday night Mujahideen forces bombarded the bobby-trapped factory with mortars, setting off a thunderous explosion followed by massive secondary blasts that were still continuing at the time of this filing. The explosions were so massive that fireballs could be seen five kilometers away.

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