Wednesday, October 27, 2004


It Is The Wolves In The White House Who Are Preying Upon Democracy, And Gorging On Its Carcass

Here's the crucial difference between the GOP theft of the election in 2000 and their efforts to steal the 2004 White House campaign.

In 2000, they were outside the government trying to steal their way in, with Florida as ground zero in the mugging of democracy.

In 2004, they ARE the government: controlling the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

They have appointed enough federal judges, combined with past right wing appointees in the Reagan and Bush I administrations, so that any election initiative that they support or oppose will be upheld or struck down by an ideologically driven right wing judge somewhere along the appellate route. Their moles are in place and ready to do what they were appointed to the bench for: to protect the Bush regime and the interests of the Republican Party and its fundamentalist supporters over the rights of Americans to choose their government.


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