Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Prison Planet: Staged Capture of Bin Laden Coming Soon

It has become apparent that the global theatrical stage is being prepared for the presence of the CIA troublemaker Osama bin Laden.

With the benefit of hindsight we can look back to the pre-cursor of the arrest of Saddam Hussein and draw some interesting parallels

Before Saddam was rolled out, public officials were bragging that the arrest was about to take place. Congressman LaHood told his local newspaper, the Pantagraph, that 'he knew something they didn't' about the imminent capture of Saddam.

Around 16 months ago nationally syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones was told by a source close to the Bush family that bin Laden was already dead and that the body had been handed over after an agreement with the bin Laden family. The source said bin Laden was on ice and his death would be announced only right before the 2004 election.

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