Saturday, May 15, 2004


Rense: A Big Mistake

Deja vu American Indians, Romans, Greeks, Vietnam, et al. Men who don't remember HISTORY, or more likely, never learned it in the first place, have plunged us into a time warp. Months ago they knew an attack on Najaf, the holiest of holy cities in Iraq, was a very bad idea. But they did it anyway. And to add insult to injury, our illustrious Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt claims the Iraqis did the damage to the golden dome of the Imam Ali mosque themselves.

Talk about disturbing hornets' nests. The repercussions from this no-brainer attack are beyond supposition at this point in time. To damage (not totally destroyed, so far, but stay tuned for that) any country's holy place brings out a fury not unlike that of mother lions or tigers,or bears OH MY!, when their babies are threatened. It's a fight to the death, for certain.

There'll be no civilized talks around a big round table. This is not negotiable. This is now war with capitols letters, W A R. This is the beginning of the MAJOR combat that Bush claimed was over on May 1, 2003

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