Friday, April 16, 2004


Independent: Bin Laden's offer of truce fails to turn Europe against US

He added: "The real problem is the occupation of Palestine "genau dass ist der Punkt und aus genau diesem Grund halten die Europäer Israel für die grösste Gefahr für den Weltfrieden

European leaders flatly rejected yesterday the "truce" offered by Osama bin Laden, al-Qa'ida's leader, in exchange for the withdrawal of their countries' troops from Iraq.

The message came as many nations were under intense pressure over their support for the occupation of Iraq. The execution of an Italian private security contractor on Wednesday by Iraqi insurgents and the kidnapping of Japanese civilians has added to an already vociferous debate in those, and other, countries about the future of their forces in Iraq.

The statement by the al-Qa'ida leader was an apparent attempt to drive a wedge between America and those European countries, including Britain, that have supported the Bush administration's invasion and occupation of Iraq. It represents the first time bin Laden has offered such a truce.

'Stop shedding our blood to preserve your blood. It is in your hands'

Edited text from the tape from Osama bin Laden broadcast by al-Jazeera

"This is a message to our neighbours north of the Mediterranean.

Peace upon those who followed the right path. The greatest rule of safety is justice, and stopping injustice and aggression. The situation in occupied Palestine is an example. What happened on 11 September [2001] and 11 March [the Madrid train bombings] is your commodity that was returned to you.

The act that horrified the world; that is, the killing of the old, handicapped [Hamas spiritual leader] Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, may God have mercy on him, is sufficient evidence. We pledge to God that we will punish America for him.

Which religion considers your killed ones innocent and our killed ones worthless? Reciprocal treatment is fair and the one who starts injustice bears greater blame.

As for your politicians and those who have followed their path, who insist on ignoring the real problem of occupying Palestine and exaggerate lies and falsification regarding our right in defence and resistance, they do not respect themselves. The Zionist lobby is one of the most dangerous and most difficult figures.

I ask honest people, ulema [senior Islamic figures], preachers and merchants, to form a permanent committee to enlighten European peoples of the justice of our causes, above all, Palestine.

The door of reconciliation is open for three months of the date of announcing this. I also offer ... our commitment to stopping operations against every country that commits itself to not attacking Muslims or interfering in their affairs. The reconciliation will start with the departure of its last soldier from our country. was haben die Europäer mit dieser Forderung für ein Problem?

For those who reject reconciliation and want war, we are ready. Peace be upon those who follow guidance.

"Die Europäischen Führer wollen nicht mit "Terroristen" verhandeln. Dabei haben sie selbst Osama Bin Laden zu einem "Politiker" gemacht in dem Sie gegen einen Privatmann Krieg führen. Einen Krieg kann man rechtlich gesehen nur Staaten erklären."

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