Thursday, October 02, 2003


islamonline: Billionaire Soros Attacks Bush 'Extremist Policies'

WASHINGTON ( & News Agencies) -- Launching a grass-roots initiative to raise up to $75 million to prevent President George W. Bush from being re-elected, famous billionaire George Soros said Washington would only stop pursuing ìextremistî policies if there was a change in the White House.

"It is only possible if you have a regime change in the United States - in other words if President Bush is voted out of power,î Soros told BBC Radio 4's United Nations Or Not? Program Monday, September 29.

"I am very hopeful that people will wake up and realize that they have been led down the garden path, that actually 11 September has been hijacked by a bunch of extremists to put into effect policies that they were advocating before such as the invasion of Iraq," Soros said, according to the BBC online news service.

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