Thursday, September 18, 2003


Joevialls: Arab Strike Jets Ready to Attack Israel
Saudi Arabia and Syria Checkmate Zionist Oil Grab

When the planning for Operation Shekhinah was finalized in 2001, its objective was simply to steal Iraq’s oil and pipe it to Haifa in Israel. At a single stroke, the largest oil supplies in the world would come under direct Zionist control, permanently shifting the balance of power in the Middle East. Well, that was the academic American-Israeli strategic plan, but it was all based on an impossible fantasy. Nowadays that impossible academic fantasy is coming unhinged, in turn seriously threatening the very survival of the Jewish State and possibly America as well. You see, while Americans have been worrying about their countrymen being cut down on a daily basis in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria have quietly relocated their primary strike aircraft within easy attack range of Israel, meaning the end game is fast approaching. To find out why Israel is now facing more than 400 state-of-the-art Mach 2 strike aircraft based less than ten minutes away from Tel Aviv, we need to take a quick look at the mind boggling miscalculations made by the Zionists in New York, and by their subordinates in Washington and Tel Aviv. How is it even remotely possible that the Zionists might lose the “Jewish State” altogether, especially bearing in mind their subtle but undeniable day-to-day control of the massive American military machine?

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