Tuesday, September 02, 2003


AFP: Iran's Nuclear Capability Represents 'Nightmare Scenario' - Israel

Iran's pursuit of a nuclear capability is a "nightmare scenario" which demands immediate international action, Israeli Foreign Minsiter Silvan Shalom said Sunday

"Iran is fast apporaching the point of no return in its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons capability," Shalom said here after talks with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana who was fresh from a visit to Tehran.

"It's urgent that the international community act to ensure that this nightmare scenario is prevented."

"Nachdem Israel weder einen Nicht-Verbreitungs Pakt unterschrieben hat, noch Inspektionen der Interltionalen Atomenergiebehörde zulässt sollten sie eigentlich nicht solche Töne anschlagen sonder zuerst mal vor der eigenen Haustuere kehren"

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