Thursday, June 05, 2003


Times of India: Saddam Hussein is alive: CIA

WASHINGTON: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has internal documents that make it clear Saddam Hussein is alive and hiding in greater Baghdad, protected by an underground resistance network of tribesmen and former Baath officials, US administration officials told UPI.
"There is a resistance network and it is stronger than we originally thought," one administration source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
"Saddam is moving around inside Iraq and he's got a lot of support," another US government official said.
He added: "A lot of what is being reported in the press as 'looting' is in fact sabotage by Baath party stay-behind groups."
The underground Baath resistance is made up of former party officials who are funded with money looted from the Iraqi treasury, this source said.
"There is credible evidence that Saddam is still alive and being sheltered," said former CIA chief Vince Cannistraro

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