Wednesday, May 14, 2003


Rense: Did The Iraqi Army Take A Dive For The US?

DUMMERSTON, Vt. -- After the opening week of battle in Iraq, many feared the worst.
The supply lines were stretched too thin. There were few reserves available. Fighting was unexpectedly tough in southern cities such as Basra and the toughest fighting was still ahead in Baghdad. The "cakewalk" predicted by the hawks in the Bush administration wasn't happening.
Then, the situation totally changed within a few days. The Iraqi army seemingly disappeared and the U.S. forces swept into Baghdad with a minimum of resistance.
With overwhelming superiority in firepower and total control of the air, a U.S. victory in Iraq was certain. But few believed it would take barely four weeks to achieve nearly all of the military objectives.
It all looked so easy. Maybe too easy.

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