Saturday, April 12, 2003


Guardian: Anti-war protesters march in London

Anti-war protesters have taken to the streets of London this afternoon, as organisers of the demonstration come up against criticism that they are "hijacking" public feeling for their own agenda.
Stop The War Coalition chairman Andrew Murray said it was important to continue protesting against the government's policy and to press for the US and UK "occupation" to end.

"Unless there is a peaceful and democratic end to the conflict the war might spread to other parts of the Middle East and we may be drawn into an endless conflict," warned Mr Murray.

However, Labour MP David Winnick, a strong supporter of the government's stance on Iraq, singled out Mr Murray for criticism, accusing him of leading an organisation whose agenda was very different from those actually demonstrating.

"I don't doubt the sincerity of most of the peace marchers who marched before and those who, for some reason, march today," said Mr Winnick. "They have a perfect right to do so but the fact remains that there are a number of the leading organisers whose commitment to parliamentary democracy is very remote indeed."

"Zuerst werden Kritiker ignoriert, dann werden sie dikreditiert und wenn das auch nichts nützt wird die Repressionmaschine angeworfen"

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