Tuesday, November 19, 2002


Narconews: Marines Ordered into Colombia
IQUITOS, PERÚ—Two battalions of US Marine Jungle Expeditionary Forces have recently received deployment orders for insertion into Colombia this coming February, 2003.

"According to reliable sources, the battalions, which with support will total roughly 1,100 men, will rotate in and out of southern Colombia, with orders to eliminate all high officers of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), scattering those who escape to the remote corners of the Amazon. The FARC hierarchy has been the subject of intensive US intelligence scrutiny for several years. The offensive will mean that the US is fighting wars on three fronts simultaneously: Afghanistan, Iraq and Colombia."

Möglicherweise ist das nächste Ziel im Krieg gegen den Terror Kolumbien. Ob man die FARC als Terroristen bezeichen kann ist fragwürdig da sie mit den gleichen verbotenen Mitteln kämpfen wie die Kolumbianischen Regierungstruppen resp. die von der Regierung unterstützten Paramilitärs...

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