Thursday, November 28, 2002


Spiegel: Saddam lässt Waffenteile verstecken

Saddam Hussein will die Uno-Waffenkontrolleure offenbar überlisten. Der irakische Diktator befahl angeblich vielen Wissenschaftlern und sogar Bauern, Massenvernichtungswaffen zu verstecken.

Independent: Saddam ordered staff to hide arms, spies tell Blair
"Such leaks of intelligence-based material –in this case 10 days before the 8 December deadline by which Iraq is required by the UN to give a full list of WMD programmes – need to be treated with caution since there have been cases of misinformation in the past, sometimes directed at Iraqi opinion. During the Gulf War, Western diplomats disseminated reports, which turned out to be unfounded, that the flight of Iraqi aircraft to Iran had followed an unsuccessful coup in Baghdad."


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